Make money, clear out the clutter- we are here to help.

Are you ready to find a easy way to sell your kids’ clothes and toys?  Stop driving around for buy/sell meet ups and forget the no-shows. Don’t waste your time with resale shops that offer you $5 for an entire box of clothes!  Sell with Fairytale Threads and you are selling to thousands of families in one weekend!

How Does it Work?

  • Use our online system to register and inventory your items
  • Drop it off at our event location for our 4 day salebouncers
  • We send you a check for 60% of what your items sell for within 10 business days!

consignor unloadSmIs consigning really worth it?

  • No more meet up “no shows” or driving around to meeting strangers out in town
  • Don’t give people your home address to pick up items!
  • Consigning has a higher payout than consignment store and much higher than resell stores
  • Avoid haggling with people on your front lawn on a Saturday morning
  • Our average consignor check is $365!
I recently consigned with Fairytale Threads and was really impressed with not just the quality of clothes that are required, but they way things are run! Things went so efficiently! I was so impressed! If you are looking to consign, it is worth the effort. And for those looking for items, this is a great sale to check out! Lots of great clothing items, toys and other things for your kids!Kate Lennox

Frequently Asked Questions


Will it take lots of time?  We offer steps that will streamline the process. Start small.  Once you get the feel for the process, you’ll be hunting the house looking for more items to sell!  Don’t procrastinate- the earlier you start the more items you can enter for a bigger check!

Why should I consign? I usually donate my items.  We love donating too! Many of our consignors choose to donate items that don’t sell to the local charities that work with us such as SAFE Place Austin and the Round Rock Area Serving center.  By consigning your items, you have the chance to get cash in hand and if you choose to donate, you items are well packaged and ready to be best utilized by the charities.








